[TenTec] NEWS and new FAQ
Ed Guzis .
Sun, 23 Feb 1997 23:31:22 -0600
Archives of the TenTec Mail Reflector have been moved to:
<http://www.contesting.com/_tentec/> . The old location
<http://www.akorn.net/hamradio/tentec/> is still in use but will be
discontinued shortly.
The Reflectors (Topband, Tentec, Yaesu, etc.) have been moved to a new
server bought by AD1C, KM3T, N4VJ & N5KO --- many thanks to all of them as
well as our service provider and sponsor, Bill Fisher, N4VJ (ex-KM9P),
president of Akorn Access, Inc., of Alpharetta, GA.
An updated text copy of the TenTec FAQ is listed below -- eventually it
will be posted as <http://www.contesting.com/tentec.html>.
Ed, W9TW <w9tw@contesting.com>
TenTec Mail Reflector Administrator
TENTEC@contesting.com FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about the TENTEC mail reflector
1997 February 23
How do I subscribe?
To subscribe you simply send a message to TENTEC-request@contesting.com .
In the body of the message only type 'subscribe'. No subject or other
text is necessary. You should receive a confirmation message back within a
few minutes.
How do I unsubscribe?
To unsubscribe you simply send a message to TENTEC-request@contesting.com
. In the body of the message only type 'unsubscribe'. No subject or
other text is necessary. You should receive a confirmation message back
within a few minutes.
What should I do if I change my eMail address and/or Internet Provider?
Before you discontinue your existing eMail address or Internet Provider,
please unsubscribe (see above) using your existing account. Once you are
logged on using your new eMail address and/or Internet provider, subscribe
(see above). You will not miss a posting this way .. and .. you will save
me a lot of time reviewing mail delivery error messages.
If you already discontinued your previous eMail address before
unsubscribing, please send me an eMail (see below) and provide me with your
new and old eMail addresses. Thank you in advance!
How do I Post a message?
To POST a message on the TenTec mail reflector, simply send your message to
TENTEC@contesting.com. Make sure you have something in the SUBJECT of
your message.
Please, DO NOT send your message to TENTEC-request@contesting.com which
is for subscribing and unsubscribing only.
Some suggestions for your posting:
DO include your name, callsign and eMail address.
DO contact TenTec by telephone if you want their repair service. TenTec
does not handle repairs on this mail reflector. See their website at
www.tentec.com for additional information.
DO ensure your message pertains to a TenTec related topic. After all, that
is the purpose of this mail reflector.
DON'T waste everyone's time by flaming. There are more suitable places on
the web for that behavior.
How does the TenTec mail reflector work?
The mail reflector re-transmits all eMail messages received to the eMail
addresses of all TenTec mail reflector members. If a message is not
successfully delivered (i.e. user's mailbox full, user's Internet Server
down, etc.), the message is lost.
How can I read previous TenTec mail reflector postings?
The mail reflector re-transmits all eMail messages received to the eMail
addresses of all TenTec mail reflector members. The TenTec mail now
archives its postings at www.contesting.com/_tentec/ .
Note: a "_" precedes "tentec" in the above address - this address is case
What if I have a problem or question?
Please address all problems and questions to Ed Guzis, W9TW, at
w9tw@contesting.com .
Enjoy the TenTec mail reflector! Ed, W9TW
FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/TenTecFAQ.html
Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
Administrative requests: tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-tentec@contesting.com
Sponsored by: Akorn Access, Inc. & N4VJ / K4AAA