[TenTec] TenTec Service
Kenton E Graham
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:01:46 -0600
Hello TenTeckers
Noticing that newbies to the list wonder if the "legendary Ten Tec service"
is still really available, I offer this:
A year ago last summer I purchased a near mint Triton 2 (about 1973 time
frame new). The seller warned me that the triton 2 would only do 50w...
I sent to Ten Tec for a copy of the 24 year old manual. They sent it no
problem, as if it was a current production model. I found in the manual
that the rig should do maybe 90 watts out. After scratching around for
a couple weeks trying to find out why the finals were not doing their thing,
I finally sent it off to Ten Tec for a bit of their magic.. In short, after
paying a $65 bill, I got this nearly 25 year old rig back as good as new,
with power level restored.
I challenge anyone with another brand to try this trick with their factory
and see how far they will get....
Regards, Ken K5ID
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