Remote Tuning knob

Dale Martin
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 08:38:43 -0600

On Thursday, January 02, 1997 18:00 PM,  JAMES T =
BRANNIGAN[] wrote:
>I was disappointed to hear that you have discontinued production of=20
>the remote tuning knob.
>I would like to homebrew one for my Omni VI.
> Any information  that you could provide (parts, schematic) would be=20
>73, Jim WB2TPS
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I don't know if your message is in response to those I have sent =
regarding my experience building a 301, or if you have received any =
other responses, but.....

Contact Ten-Tec Service Department (423-453-7172) and ask for whatever =
parts they have that comprise the 301.  It may, depending on what parts =
they have remaining cost about 60 dollars.  As to documentation, you =
don't need any.  The parts list is amazing light.

Here is a summary parts list of needed items:=20

1.  rotary optical encoder
2.  case
3.  weight
4.  knob (I ordered an Omni VI knob separately after I got the unit =
wired up and working)

The rest (screws, strain relief, cable, terminal strip) , you can =
acquire locally at a Radio Shack or whatever.

The wiring is straightforward.

Four of the five pins of the rotary encoder are marked to indicate =
1.  Minus sign
2.  blank
3.  A
4.  Plus sign
5.  B

This is how I hooked my 301 up using a DB25M connector:=20

Minus to Pins 1, 14, and 7  (ground)

A to Pin 6 (phase 1)

Plus to Pin 16 (+5V)

B to Pin 8 (phase 2)

I used a shielded, 4 conductor cable about 5 feet long to run from the =
back of the Omni VI, under the desk, and to the 301 on an =
under-the-desktop-keyboard drawer shelf attachment I made, and it works =
perfectly. =20

That should do it. =20

At the minimum, the rotary optical encoder is the heart of the 301.  If =
Ten-Tec no longer has anything else, they will have the encoder.  You =
can find any box (I recommend the sloped front type) to put it in. =20

73 and HNY,

Dale Martin, KG5U

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Sponsored by:             Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P