Solid State Amp Kits
Winston F. Jones
Sat, 4 Jan 1997 06:34:16 -0800
There's been a lot of discussion on the Reflector since I first brought
up the subject of a solid state amp kit.
I agree that a 500-watt HF amp kit would be an ideal kit for Ten-Tec to
offer. I've talked with some hams who have built the R.F. Electronics,
Myrtle Beach kits and were very satisfied with them. The kits use the
2SC2879 transistors, same as used by Ameritron and other commercial
amps. They are very rugged devices and can handle large antenna
Solid state construction eliminates the need for high priced tubes,
variable caps, large inductors, high voltages, etc. All that has to be
switched are the low-pass filters. The major problem with solid state
is the necessary high current power supplies. The hams I talked with
either ran mobile amps from batteries and high-power alternators or
used the Astron 70-amp AC supply. One ham told me you need about
8-gauge copper to carry the current and he gets his wires from an auto
audio shop that specializes in high-power audio amps.
The only construction problem is lining up heat sinks with the case and
transistors. But if the amp is offered in kit form, all the drilling
has already been done for you.
The kits being offered now run about $500 if you include cost of board,
parts, case, heat sinks, low pass filters, etc. You can figure another
$275 for the 70-amp AC supply. The total $775 is still much cheaper
than commercial solid state amps.
Yes, the technology has been around for about 20 years and is not that
complicated when compared with the work to build a tube amp. Several
companies supply ready-built ferrite transformers, pre-wound filters,
chip capacitors, etc.
I think the day of the solid state amp is here and I would to see the
Ten-Tec name and quality on a solid state kit. I predict it could be
the solid state equivalent of the SB-200!!
Winston K4CWQ
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