A couple more questions...
Jack Kovar KE0AX
Wed, 15 Jan 1997 18:04:25 -0600 (CST)
I have a schematic of a RS-20m in front of me!
As regards to your GROUNDING question, the - terminal, transformer, 723
regulator, and ac ground, and metal frame of supply are all tied together.
Most household grounds are considered less effective than a ground rod
eight feet in the ground with all of you equipment tied to it.
INTERMITTIANT CURRENT SERVICE = ICS = SSB use =front pannel rating.
CONSTANT CONTINUIOUS SERVICE = CCS = constant current load= less than
ICS rateing.
EXAMPLE: 20amps ICS may be 16 amps CCS.
Thats may story and I'm sticking to it!
Jack Kovar
Toddville ,Ia.
On Wed, 15 Jan 1997, Ogborn, Roy W wrote:
> Thanks Scott for the reply!
> I don't quite understand how the Astron power supply can be rated at 16
> amp continuous and also be labeled as 50% duty cycle. Does that mean I
> can continuously draw 16 amps of power from the supply intermittently,
> and by inference draw 8 amps continuous continuously (100% duty)? Hmmm.
> Just another ponderence I had.
> Thanks,
> Roy Ogborn
> ki0er@amsat.org
> >----------
> >From: Scott Rosenfeld NF3I[SMTP:ham@w3eax.umd.edu]
> >Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 1997 2:08 PM
> >To: Ogborn, Roy W
> >Subject: Re: A couple more questions...
> >
> >Two solutions if you plan to go 100% duty cycle:
> >
> >1) Drop the output power to 60 or 70 watts, keeping input current below
> >16 amps (probably good for the rig, too)
> >
> >2) The Astron should be OK for CW and other modes that aren't 100% duty
> >cycle.
> >
> >
> --
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