Who desires QRP kit for 2m - survey

ENBOE@aol.com ENBOE@aol.com
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 03:34:50 -0500 (EST)

I would like to survey you fellow tentec enthusiasts to determine if anyone
else desires a modified version of the existing tentec qrp rig, only in 2m.
 I personally would enjoy having a cheap CW rig for satellite work, but it
would also open up possibilities to the Tech class license.  Bottom line,
send me your thoughts on the following ideas:

1)  QRP CW kit in 2m for $95
2)  QRP CW+SSB kit in 2m for $195
3)  Other random opinions on the topic

Send thoughts to ENBOE@aol.com & I'll collate & reduce, then send to Tentec


de K0AVW

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