Who desires QRP kit for 2m-survey

Gene Hall evhall@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 11:19:02 -0500

While a QRP 2m kit would certainly find some uses, I concur with W8KC in
the idea of transverters for 2m and up from TenTec Kit.

There are plenty of 12 VDC amplifiers on the market to reach
practically any power level you want after you get the signal up there-- or
perhaps some additional TT Kits so I don't see the QRP factor being a

I worked AO-13 with a Yuckhoo 726R and a 400 MHz amp portable form my van.

As for the need of a driving rig...I'd really like to hang a uhf & vhf
transverter on to my Scout.  Don't see any need for a 20A.



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