T-kit for 10-2m transversion

Scott Rosenfeld NF3I ham@w3eax.umd.edu
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 13:15:57 -0500

I've been it's on the list of future kits - our shouting has worked.

PLEASE don't call them and nag them about it.  It will be out when it's out.

* Scott Rosenfeld NF3I Burtonsville, MD FM19mc QRV 80-10/6/2/440 *
*** 6m 75 grids worked on 8 watts *** HF 138 cfmd * QRP-L #147 ***
** QRP ARCI #9054 ** DXCC/WAS/WAC *** 100% dipole powered HF/6m **
* 301-549-1022 h / 301-982-1015 w *** 145.490- 147.225+ PL 156.7 *

On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Paul R. Valko wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Gene Hall wrote:
> > While a QRP 2m kit would certainly find some uses, I concur with W8KC in
> > the idea of transverters for 2m and up from TenTec Kit.
> Obviously Gene is a man of education and sophistication to agree with me.
> Did you folks know that it is quite possible to have a CW QSO on RS-10
> with an FM only rig and a 10M receiver?  It's true - although not
> generally accepted practice.  If you mute or cut out the microphone
> audio, simply keying the rig will send out a carrier (albeit wide) which
> can be heard through RS-10 on the 10M rig.  
> I've worked several "CW" stations doing this.  They are fairly easy to
> identify because the cw note is not really sharp, but it does work.  If
> you were a real hack, you could get into the HT and reduce the carrier
> deviation down even lower, improving the "CW" signal to the point where it
> would be really hard to tell the difference.
> 73 =paul= W8KC
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