[TenTec] OmniV/VI cw characteristics

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 19:37:46 -0400

Let me further clarify this. The note is not only due to a steep leading
edge but also to a slight shift in frequency as the oscillator on the
tx-osc board trys to shift frequency instantly upon keying. This fsk keying
of the tx-osc is old hat for Ten-Tec but for some reason we can HEAR IT on
the Omni-6. The end result is not just hard keying....shucks, most of old
cw guys like hard keying.....but what I call a TWIRP. Yes, not enough to
qualify as a chirp but enough to really sound trashy. No...don't try to
blame it on the power supply. I've that one dozens of times before. I've
had 2 Omni-6's here and tried several different supplies with the same

The problem seems to be most noticable at speeds over 25 wpm. No....This is
not just some personal quirk or lack of preferrence for hard keying. This
is real-bonified trashy keying. The guys at TenTec are our friends. We all
love their products and their attitude. Still there remains just these few
little things like the Scout and it's frequency jumping and the Omni-6 with
it's poor keying. Fix those and away we go.

N4LQ Steve

> >for cw and most have a real steep leading edge which translates to a
> note.
> >TenTec has been reluctant to attack the problem.
> Perhaps because a "problem" doesn't exist?
> What if I like a "hard note?"  Does a problem exist?  Notwithstanding
> potential key clicks on very fast rise/fall times, the sharper the note,
> the better I like it.  Someone replied a few minutes ago and indicated
> note instability is generally attributed to inadaquate power supply
> regulation.  Any of us running our Omnis on 20-Amp Astron supplies?
> -Paul, W9AC
>  ----
> From: Del Seay, KL7HF <seay@Alaska.NET>
> To: Allan G. Taylor <ataylor@midas.llnl.gov>
> Cc: tentec@contesting.com
> Date: Monday, June 23, 1997 3:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] OmniV/VI cw characteristics
> >The OMNI-V was not plagued by a poor note. It was great in all cases
> I've
> >listened too.
> >
> >The OMNI-6 is another matter. They have a real strange turn on/off
> arrangement
> >for cw and most have a real steep leading edge which translates to a
> note.
> >I have'nt found any with clicks, but most sound extremely hard.
> >I softened my 'SIX' keying by playing with the base capacitors in the
> >low-level amp stage, where the tx/rx voltages are formed. However, W4QM
> tried
> >the same thing with no effect. So, I  don't know what the "fer-sure"
> is!
> >TenTec has been reluctant to attack the problem.
> >Incidently, the QSK in the 'SIX' needs some TLC, too. It is not up to
> >TT standards as they come out. This may be taken care of in the "PLUS"
> mods
> >and if so, I'll know next month.
> >Good Luck.  de KL7HF
> >
> >
> >
> >At 10:24 AM 6/23/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >>A recent thread mentioned the cw keying waveform of the OmniV/VI as
> not
> >>up to the usual TT standard. While I have heard a few OmniVIs that were
> off
> >>the mark, it is not so for all of them. In particular, I recall that
> OmniV
> >>of K7UOT as having particulary sweet and stable keying. I would like to
> know
> >>what the concensus is regarding both the OmniV and OmniVI with regard
> cw
> >>keying. Additionally, is there a known fix? If not, is someone looking
> into it?
> >>For those with the problem, is it possibly a power supply stiffness
> problem?
> >>(i.e., not stiff enough for the demands of cw--I have noted that often
> on
> >>lesser rigs, Icoms in particular).
> >>
> >>The OmniVI+ has become my target rig for a funds-raising effort and I
> want to
> >>know if there are any flies in the ointment that can't be removed!
> >>
> >>Grant  K7GT  k7gt@qsl.net
> >>
> >>--
> >
> >
> >
> >--
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> > 
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