[TenTec] Ten Tec List
David Wright
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:05:48 -0700
Jay, great idea. I believe someone is already working on the list.
Perhaps that person can fill us in on progress.
I wanted to comment on the net idea. Great idea! Let's get on the air
and chat
about Ten Tec. Make suggestions, comments, share fixes, and a general
sharing of information-just as we have here! It's faster than typing
(and the boss doesn't get mad about wasting time either-hi!)
What about it folks, everyone want to make suggestions for a meeting
time, freq., mode
that's agreeable to all? I would guess the immediate question would be:
What frequency and times works for the most ops?
Where do most of us have antenna's, license, @ propagation across
multiple time zones so all can get on at decent times and hear each
other? My guess is most would say 20 meters? Some may say 80, but not
all of us have room for BIG antennas.
The thing to do is probably put together a questionnaire and put it to a
vote. I'd favor 10 if the conditions where there but you know what the
condx are like right now. I like 17 right now as it is quieter and has
US propagation into late evening east & west coast. 20 if we want
worldwide involvement.
Thanks and 73 de Dave KB6JOX
>From: Jay A Beamer[SMTP:BEAMERJA@lbh.panamsat.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 1997 10:31 AM
>To: TenTec@contesting.com
>Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec List
> ***Message delivered from cc:Mail***
>From: Jay A Beamer at 4H-MAILC05
>To: smtp:TenTec@contesting.com
>Date: 6/25/97 10:32AM
>Subject: Ten Tec List
>My name is Jay, KM6VX, and I just subscribed to the TT reflector a couple of
>days ago and love it. I've been liscensed 5 yrs 4 mos and acquired my first
>Tec in 1993 (an Argonaut 515, and no it's not for sale).
>Approximately 2 years ago, I considered putting together a list of all Ten
>products since day one, and even considered a Ten Tec users net, possibly on
>meters. I never acted on either, but mentioned to others who thought both
>good ideas.
>Anyway, a friend of mine (Joe, N6OIP) mentioned a couple of weeks ago that
>someone brought the idea up of putting together a list but Joe never
>any of the details to me. He mentioned it to me because we had discussed it
>the past. I have an idea how anyone on this reflector could participate if
>choose. I believe we can minimize the envolvement of Ten Tec so they can
>on new products. I'm sure they'd be willing to help in a pinch. Virtually all
>this info should be available from old magazines, brochures, receipts, and
>personal experiences.
>Ultimately, I believe it should take 3 people to be focal points and lighten
>load of a single individual trying to accomlish this project. These 3 people
>would sift, sort, organize, tabulate, and publish the data. Each item should
>also contain a brief description.
>Here's the idea:
>Week One (Rigs and Amplifiers)
>One of the focal point people throws out a list of rigs and amplifiers to the
>reflector. Anyone with info to add to the list (model, price, yeas available,
>etc.) would respond to the focal point person only (this will minimize
>on the reflector). The focal point person will compile the list and then
>the list to the reflector. Maybe the list should be published to all
>parties after the project is complete?
>Week Two (Accessories and Tuners)
>Same as week one. List all non-rig accessories, including price and
>availability. This would include the mobile matching unit, mobile whip
>microphones, etc. (dont't forget the Signalizer).
>Week Three (Rig specific accessories)
>List 5 rigs (maybe 10) each week until we've made it through them all. Again,
>repeat of week one. For each rig, all the accessories will be listed,
>matching tuner, power supply, filters, model numbers, price, etc.
>The goal, I believe, is to have a complete reference for all past, present,
>future Ten Tec owners. Wouln't it be wonderful for one of our future Ten Tec
>brothers or sisters to be able to read about this wonderful device that
>once upon a time ago called a 301?
>Any comments? If so, make them brief. Remember, this is for fun.
>Jay A. Beamer/KM6VX
>Torrance, Ca,
>--------------- End of text item ---------------
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