[TenTec] Ten Tec Service
Roger Sellers
Fri, 02 May 1997 09:09:06 -0500
I just wanted to send a note and brag some more about TenTec's
I have a used Paragon I bought from a party last Sept. Since then it was
diagnosed with a problem, and I could only use it for receive. This is my
first TenTec radio and first time dealing with their service department on
a radio. Because of school, time and money causing delays, I finally sent
it in to TenTec for service. I shipped it via US Mail on the 15th of April and
received it back on May 1. I talked to a service dept. person (Don?) and
he advised me of what was wrong. He fixed it and then passed it to
someone else to check and have a burn-in done after it was fixed. I was
advised that a couple relays had gone bad do to age or something and
told what the bill was. It was near the original estimate I got before
sending the radio in for service, so I didn't get a big surprise here. I sent
a check in and got my radio back yesterday.
I set it up last night and tried it... it sounded much better and seemed to
tune easier. I found a station on 10meters and listened a bit, then I tried to
contact him. To my surprise he came right back to me and advised me I
had a good strong signal to him in Louisiana from me in Illinois. I was able
to work him till the band closed. I used my Paragon with a MFJ tuner and
Why am I excited...? I finally was able to use my Paragon and made
my first HF DX contact on my first attempt. Thanks TenTec.
Roger Sellers KB9LBU
email: rsellers@snds.com
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