James Parsons k5rov@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 02 Oct 1997 17:50:56 -0500

Lane, the manual says the plate voltage is 1800 volts no load, 1500
volts full load. I find this to be true.

QSK action is pretty good. I don't know how good because this is the
only amplifier I have ever had with QSK. But I find it very useable.

But, be prepared for the noisiest amplifier you have ever heard. It will
keep the family awake in the middle of the night. They use a 100 CFM fan
to cool 3 811 tubes. My old Yaesu FL-2100B ran the same power, and it
was hard to tell it was on. Of course, it did not run QSK.

The Centaur is a nice, small amplifier, and it does all that is claimed
of it. But wear headsets, or have lots of Tylenol handy.


Jim, K5ROV 

Lane C. Zeitler wrote:
> Esteemed Colleagues:
> For the Centaur owners-- What does T-T run the Ep at??
> A friend is offering his for sale for $550.00 but it is currently boxed up,
> he is three states away, and he can't remember the data.
> How is the QSK action??
> Lane
> Kilo Mexico Three Germany
> --
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James (Jim), Parsons, K5ROV USAF, Ret.
k5rov@worldnet.att.net   QCWA, NWQRP, Fists, ARRL
JOHN 3:16

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