[TenTec] Scout to sell or swap

David Perrin "d_perrin@conknet.com"@conknet.com
Sat, 04 Oct 1997 18:04:11 -0400

 I have two Ten Tec Scouts, they are super radios, but I don't need two!
The new one was purchased new the first week in July.
It has the 20 and 40 Meter band modules, power cord, manual and box.
It has had a mini toggle switch added to the rear panel which allows instant
 switching from QRP to QRO.
$475 here or swap to some HF gear I need...maybe a Corsair II.
73 de Dave, K1OPQ here at WA1WOK.NH near Concord, NH or 603-746-5090

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