[TenTec] R-7000 Vertical Experience

David Wright dwright@microagesf.com
Wed, 15 Oct 1997 10:49:37 -0700

I concur.  I've used both the R-7 & R-7000.   Both are overrated on
their power handling capabilities.   I've burned traps on both antennas
with a  500w AL-80B.   On the R-7, the "black box" on the bottom of the
antenna fried @ 100 watts!  Good SWR (1:1), 1/3 or less of the power
rating, and the result was TVI galore (especially 40m @ 50+ watts!) and
burnt up city.  Forget it.   

I hear the Hygain TH-77 will handle up to 2kw pep but I have no
experience with it.  Force Antenna's make a vertical tri-bander that's
small (5ft long) and handles full power.    I gave up and went back to
big Yagi's and wires myself.   They work and handle all the power you
can give them (Alpha 89).  GL and let us know how it works out for you.

73 de Dave KB6JOX
>From: 	Philippe NOUCHI[SMTP:Philippe.Nouchi@cern.ch]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, October 15, 1997 1:36 AM
>To: 	K5XS@aol.com; tentec@contesting.com
>Subject: 	Re: [TenTec] R-7000 Vertical Experience
>K5XS@aol.com wrote:
>> I apologize for being a tad off topic here, but after reading the QST
>> I wondered what my Ten-Tec brothers and sisters would have to say.
>> Has anyone used the R-7000 vertical?  I'm generally not a vertical kinda
>> but have a need for something protable to take out in the boonies with my
>> Scout troop (and the Omni) and am considering the R-7000.
>> Would welcome experiences or thoughts.  Thanks.
>> Bernie
>> K5XS
>> Honolulu
>   I use one for one year and half, I burned the 20m and 30m traps with only
>an IC2KL (400W and the SWR < 2:1). Same problem with the R7000 at the club
>station F5KPG but only the 20m trap burned (Yes burned all is black in the
>trap!!! and SWR > infini). If you use it with less than 200W it is a good
>antenna. But Cushcraft lies when they sell it for 1500W PEP.
>   To stay in the topic, is anybody can give an idea to command my IC2KL
>with my Omni 6 for the automatic band changing. With the Icom amplifier it
>is just a pin with different tension depends of the band.
>73 de Philippe - F6IFY
>P.S.: Sorry for my poor english.
>Philippe Nouchi - F6IFY
>E_mail: Philippe.Nouchi@cern.ch
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