[TenTec] Finally
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 12:20:15 -0400 (EDT)
After four Kenwoods in a row I finally made it to the TT ranks....I bought a
used OMNI 5......so far so good....tell you more after a thorough workout
during SS/CW or CQWW/CW.....
Just a couple questions tho'
1. I have the 2.4/1.8/500/ and 250 filters......Do you think the 500hz in
the second IF is 'worth it'?
2. Any of you have trouble with the cabinet resonating when you're right on a
CW note at 700hz or so?
3. In case of two simultaneously broken hands, CW is outlawed, or some other
traumatic event that causes me to select SSB........I do own a Heil
boom/mic....How is the compatibility with the OMNI 5 and the Heil mic
4. Anyway to make the CW sidetone crisply audible (most noticeable when using
the speaker) during tough condx on 40M when the noise level is high, the AF
gain is way up, operating fast QSK, and at speeds of 30-35WPM? Can't it be
independently 'imposed' or 'mixed' directly into the audio output so that it
is not subject to the rise/fall of the QSK during these tough condx?....Just
adjusting sidetone volume/tone doesn't quite do it....
5. Can't get used to the missing RIT knob....oh well....
6. Noise blanker does nothing......how effective is yours?..
7.Strong signal pileups, like this weekend for P29AS on 7.017mhz, I couldn't
use the receiver within +/- 5khz....completely overloaded the receiver...even
using the -20db attenuator......Does this rig not handle those strong signal
situations well?..
Overall, looks like it can be the start of a lasting
relationship......Comments from you long time alumni appreciated..........
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