[TenTec] RE: antenna -Reply

Peter Frenning PEF@SNI.DK
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 16:06:04 +0100

Apart from actually talking to the guy myself, that pretty much mirrors
my experience.
I'm still pretty hot for the antenna, but need to see a real picture of
the thing (or rather my XYL does!, as she has the final say on what goes
up and what (especially) doesn't), but try as I may (I sent several
unanswered emails on the subject), no pictures, no brochures, no nothing
apart from what's on the WEB-site.

This is exactly where I believe TenTec could do better. Leave Herrn
Sommer to do what he's apparently good at, designing antennas, and let
somebody else do the manufacturing and marketing.

73 de OZ1PIF, Peter

*********************************   OZ1PIF
Peter Frenning, UNIX Product Mgr., Siemens-Nixdorf DK, Ph.: +45 4477
Snailmail: Dybendalsvaenget 3, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark, Fax: +45 4477
                Email: pef@sni.dk, (NERV: pfrenning.cph)
X400: C=DK; A=400NET; P=SCN; O=SNI; S=Frenning; G=Peter; OU1=CPH1;
***********  Come visit us on the web; URL http://www.sni.dk

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Roger Sellers [SMTP:rsellers@mail.rkd.snds.com]
>Sent:	Tuesday, October 21, 1997 2:52 PM
>To:	Peter Frenning; tentec@contesting.com;
>Subject:	[TenTec] RE: antenna -Reply
>  I checked into these about a year or so ago. My location seemed to require
>vertical antenna. The owner seemed to be a stange sort when I talked to him
>the phone. Getting answers was like pulling teeth. He seemed offfended by my
>asking so many questions, yet he felt extremely confident about his antenna.
>  I talked to a person in ARRL's technical section about the antenna. He said
>antenna is based on an older but sound design principle and should work fine.
>  I was deciding between it, a GAP, or Butternut verticle. I ended up with an
>because a local here had one available for a rediculous price (works OK). I
>still get one in the future.
>  Hope this helps,
>Roger Sellers   KB9LBU
>email: rsellers@snds.com
>>>> Peter Frenning <PEF%SNI.DK@internet.rkd.snds.com> 10/21/97 02:42am >>>
>I am talking about their vertical antennas, now called the T-25 and T-50
>(Formerly TCS-25 and 50).
>See http://www.sommerantennas.com/
>Anyway, you illustrate my point about their lack of marketing very well,
>it's almost as if they don't really want to sell their products!
>73 de OZ1PIF, Peter
>PS: let's see if this starts a whole new thread!  ;-)
>*********************************   OZ1PIF
>Peter Frenning, UNIX Product Mgr., Siemens-Nixdorf DK, Ph.: +45 4477
>Snailmail: Dybendalsvaenget 3, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark, Fax: +45 4477
>                Email: pef@sni.dk, (NERV: pfrenning.cph)
>X400: C=DK; A=400NET; P=SCN; O=SNI; S=Frenning; G=Peter; OU1=CPH1;
>***********  Come visit us on the web; URL http://www.sni.dk
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From:	schell@radonc.medinfo.rochester.edu
>>Sent:	Monday, October 20, 1997 3:07 PM
>>To:	Peter Frenning
>>Subject:	antenna
>>Hello Peter,
>>What is a Sommer TCS antenna?  This is new to me.
>>Thank you and 73's,
>>Mike  KF2LF

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