[TenTec] Different Use for Transverter - Congress will be upset
Scott Rosenfeld [NF3I]
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 16:24:30 -0400 (EDT)
Yes. There's little on 6 meters unless there's a band opening.
Six stinks except when it's open, at which time it becomes the greatest
band we've got.
until the opening goes by the wayside, at which time it stinks again.
* Scott Rosenfeld NF3I Burtonsville, MD FM19mc QRV 80-10/6/2/440 *
* 6m 80 grids on 8w * DXCC WAS WAC * QRP-L #147 * QRP ARCI #9054 *
* Charter member, Maryland Milliwatters * W3-VK on 3w mobile CW *
*** 301-549-1022 h / 301-982-1015 w ** Life is one big hamfest ***
On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Roger Sellers wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a different story and thought I'd pass it along, both for amusement and
> maybe some suggestions.
> I've recently purchased a TenTec 6meter transverter and connected it to my
> Paragon I. I had a problem with it and sent it back. I received it back and the
> problem was fixed, thanks TT.
> I've hooked up the transverter and gone around the 6 meter frequencies on all
> modes. Haven't heard a single CQ, dit-dot or anything else. I happened to turn
> the dial down below 14.00 ( below 50.00 MHz) and was surprised by a STRONG CLEAR
> voice. It seems I can hear my neighbors cordless phones in the 49MHz FM range
> great. I've even turned the beam and tweeked in a couple conversations.
> This tells me the Transverter is working... at least on 49MHz FM. Any thoughts
> on why I'm not hearing any valid 6 meter conversations??
> 73,
> Roger Sellers KB9LBU
> email: rsellers@snds.com
> --
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