[TenTec] DSP articles

Peter A. Klein pklein@seattleu.edu
Sun, 31 Aug 1997 23:12:08 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks to everyone for the compliments on my comparison of the Omni 6 Plus
DSP with the Timewave 599zx external DSP box.   Everyone on this list was
so helpful when I was contemplating buying an Omni 6.  

To add to my post on the Omni 6 Plus DSP:

QST published an excellent article on DSP a while back.  It discusses how
DSP works from a *conceptual* point of view.  No differential calculus,
just a few graphs and some very readable descriptions.  

For those of you who are interested in what DSP can do, and why it works
for some things and not for others, this article is a great place to
start.  Understanding how DSP works leads to much less inflated
expectations and disappointment with DSP, and more effective use. It has
footnotes that refer to other articles, for those that want hard-core
numbers and equations.

It's in February 1996 QST, and is called "DSP--An Intuitive Approach," by
Dave Hershberger, W9GR.

Reviews of the JPS NIR-12 and Timewave 599zx appeared in July and December
1996 QST, respectively.

Peter A. Klein  (pklein@seattleu.edu)  :    -----==3==      ---      ---
Network Administrator, LAN/WAN/Novell  :   |    |  |  |    |   |    |   |
Seattle University, 296-5569           :  @|   @| @| @|   @|  @|   @|  @|

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