[TenTec] Re: Scout / Mic notes

RICHARD ANDREN andrenr@ul.com
Mon, 29 Sep 97 13:43:15 CDT

Hi Dave!
I tried a handful of mics, and settled with the Heil HC-5 element.  People 
who know me say that I sound natural with this mic.  With the HC-5 and the 
HC-4 elements, I need to run the mic gain almost wide open.

Unfortunately, I have the same problem with VOX on my Omni VI.  I think the 
best way to cure this problem might be to increase the gain of the VOX 
trigger and/or increase the gain of the mic amp.  This would eliminate a 
separate preamp.  If anyone on the list has had the time to do this or has a 
better suggestion, please post it.

Thanks for the Q's in the contest Dave.  Hope you did well.

Rick Andren - N9THC
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Which brings the following question:

Mic recommendations for the Omni VI  ??    I've the plastic mike as
below (700?) that even -DX- complains about the squeak.   Otherwise the
audio quality is ok.   I've tried Heil headsets, Shure 444's, D104, etc.
  I still can not find a mic that will give both good audio quality, AND
work with VOX.   

I have a very deep voice, and would really like to use VOX, but as of
yet I cannot find a mic that works.  The problem is if I get the delay
to high to keep VOX from dropping in between words, the delay's too long
and defeats the purpose of the VOX system.  

I've adjusted both gains, anti-vox, and delay to no avail.  I do not
like amplified mic's.  I like to run clean, clear audio.  Anyone have a
recommendation for a good -desktop- mike that will do the above, yet
keep clean, clear audio quality???   

Thanks for reading es 73 de Dave KB6JOX   

>From: 	dmm@bronze.lcs.mit.edu[SMTP:dmm@bronze.lcs.mit.edu]
>Sent: 	Monday, September 29, 1997 7:00 AM
>To: 	tentec@contesting.com
>Subject: 	[TenTec] Re: The 555 Scout
>>> iv)Which microphones seem to suit the rig best, apart from the
>>> standard hand held which comes with it?
>>I wasn't aware that a microphone came with it, but I will say that the
>>model 700C handheld microphone is very well matched to the Scout.  I
>>haven't used SSB in a long time, but I used to use a 700C with my
>>Scout.  I've had fantastic audio reports with that combination, even
>>when mobile, and people just don't believe I'm using only 50 watts.
>>I've heard other people saying they have had similar results.  There's
>>something magical about the 555/700C combination that just works
>>great.  My only dislike is the squeaky sound that comes from the
>>plastic PTT button rubbing against the plastic mike case.  I hope that
>>doesn't get transmitted along with the audio.
>I can't comment on your other questions (amplifier, SSB, etc.), but I
>will say that the Scout is still one of my all-time favorite radios --
>not because it beats out other radios in any one area, but rather
>because it has just the right ones (and nothing more) for my operating
>habits all in a nice package.
>Andrew M. Moore, NV1B
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