[TenTec] Any T-Kit builders?
Robert J Lees
Sun, 5 Apr 1998 17:45:21 -0400
Re Robin's request:
So far I have built six of the Ten Tec kits as follows:
Model 1208 6 meter Transverter
Model 1210 2 meter Transverter
Model 1202 SWR Meter
Model 1254 Shortwave Receiver
Model 1220 2 Meter Transceiver plus the Model 1222 Power Amp
Model 705 Microphone
My experience has been generally quite positive. I had to call for
technical assistance on all but the mike and swr meter. Found Ten Tec's
personnel knowledgeable and helpful. Usually the calls were because I
did something stupid.
Sometimes they helped with new parts free of charge even when the problem
was me! Other times they asked me to pay for the parts. My worst
experience was with the 2 meter transceiver which I finally had to send
to them when I could not solve the problem. They turned it around in
about two weeks, found that I had been careless in making up and
soldering coax jumpers, and charged me about 30 bucks.
I can go into more details if there is any interest.
The kits remain unmodified except for the sw receiver, where I added an
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Robert J. Lees, P.E. (Bob), King of Prussia, PA, USA Amateur radio
call W3ZQN
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