[TenTec] Greasing the Pig....

Ken Graham k5id@ipa.net
Fri, 10 Apr 98 07:40:14 PDT

Hi TenTekkies,

On the subject of to grease or to rebuild:

I own four Ten Tecs with PTO's, the oldest of which is the Triton 2.
Now keep in mind that that rig is almost 25 years old. All of the four rigs 
have had new grease (and also some oil) at one time or another, and 
none of the four have EVER had a PTO rebuild. These four rigs are 
all online and used, and not one of them has a stiff shaft or any 
frequency jumping.

Two of the rigs (omni c and delta) were bought used, and had stiff 
shafts when purchased, but a treatment as described above soon after 
purchase solved the problem (years ago) and they are still going strong.

In fact, I wonder what all the hoopla is about pto rebuild.  My first TT 
was a 505 Argonaut when they first came out, and have had a TT ever 
since, and not once did the rebuild...........  What's the deal??

Regards,   Ken    K5ID

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