[TenTec] what to do?

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 18:48:42 -0400

> PS.  I do not have the money to buy both!

All you need to decide is why you wanted an amplifier in the first place.
If you need it for improved dx performance then you will not be satisfied
with another radio anyway.
I have the Omni V and Hercules II. If I try to snag a dx station and he
either has trouble hearing me or the pile up is too big, I flip one switch
to turn on the Hercules and I ALWAYS get him on the next try. It seems to
be just the right amount of power to finish the job. For my purposes, the
Omni V's cleaner qsk and better keying are what is needed. Others aren't
concerned with these features and prefer the newer version. 

One comforting thought: If you do get the Hercules, you can always upgrade
the rig later when the money comes in and still have a compatable
amplifier. If you get the Omni VI, you still won't bust pileups or be heard
any better. 

All of this talk about amplifiers and here I am running 3 watts from my

73  Steve Ellington
Amateur Radio Operator N4LQ

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