[TenTec] Kachina
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 20:00:07, -0500
Hi Mike,
The Kachina looks like a nifty rig...but
Why buy a radio in a computer and give up a radio in a box with the
tuning knobs and switches we are all used to..
With the OMNI VI+ you can have both...computer control for contesting
or just fool'in around and the ability to hunch over the radio,
twiddling knobs, digging out those weak ones!!! oh yes, and get a
super radio to boot!!!
Besides, I've spent a lot of time keeping RF out of the computer..it
makes me a little queezy putting it in..
and keep the Drakes.."real radios glow in the dark" I keep a Collins
S-line and R-390 around for nostalgia..
73, Jim WB2TPS
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