[TenTec] Paddles

Phil Sikes psikes@whidbey.net
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 21:16:23 -8

Hello Gary and the group. As a collector of paddles, keys and 
bugs I will give you my favorites.

Most of the time I use either my Jones Iambic paddles or a set 
of the V22 paddles. I have a couple of the Brown Brothers 
paddles and do enjoy using them also. I had a set of Bencher 
paddles but did not like the feel of them for my style of 
sending. I like a positive stop at the end of the paddle travel 
and a crisp feel to the paddles. The Vibroplex paddles are 
also very nice to use but the Jones and V22's have a much wider 
range of adjutments for persoanl taste. Since this is the Ten 
Tec reflector I have to mention the KR-1B and KR-50 in the 
collection too. They work pretty well and they sure look good 
sitting next to a Ten Tec rig. 

Brown Brothers have been out of business for many years now but 
I do remember hearing somtime in the past that someone had 
bought the rights and machinery to build them again. I have 
also heard the same thing recently about the Mercury paddles. 

73 - Phil
Phil Sikes - N7UX (ex KJ7NS)
ARCI #9196 - QRP-L #528
FISTS #2602 - NW QRP #412

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