[TenTec] 13.5 votts, and "garbled audio"/PLL out of lock

pfrenning@idc.com pfrenning@idc.com
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 09:06:30 +0200

Furthermore, my Paragon, at least, and from what I hear all of TT's synthesized
gear, actually requires 13 V + to work at all. For a while just after I got the
Paragon, I couldn't understand what was wrong with it, until I moved it from a
12.5 V supply to an 13.8 V one and all the symptoms disappeared!

Further to the "Garbled Audio" described in another thread. I'm suffering from
the same problems, and can confirm the diagnosis: Poor workmanship on the
soldering of the PLL boards, over the years it has developed hairline cracks
around the component leads, which can only be seen under a microscope!
In reality the joints are "cold", but just barely so, and good enough to have
been reliable over a number of years, until thermic movements finally created
sufficient play to interrupt contact.
A complete resolder is the order of the day. If possible let TT handle it (not
an option for us overseas guys), it's not for the faint hearted!

73s de OZ1PIF, Peter

Please respond to hmmjr@erols.com

To:   Jim and Kate Belt <jkbelt@spiritone.com>
cc:   TenTec Net <tentec@contesting.com> (bcc: Peter
Subject:  Re: [TenTec] 13.5 votts

Twelve is a "nominal" voltage.  Most all 12 volt power supplies you will
ever see actually deliver around 13.5 to 13.8 volts.  I think it all
came from "12 volt" auto systems which are actually 12 to 14 volts. So
you OMNI's 13.5 volt accessory socket will power those "12 volt"
accessories just fine.
Puck, W4PM

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