[TenTec] on ten-tec's primitivy...

Simmons, Reid W reid.w.simmons@intel.com
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 11:59:00 -0800

I strongly suggest that you go out and buy yourself a "Jappy" rig (it's 
Dec 7th, Pearl Harbor Day here) and be done with it.  Then maybe you can 
quit "pissing around" with your unfounded trivial nonsense and get on 
with your life!

Reid, K7YX

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: [TenTec] on ten-tec's primitivy...
Author:  "promedia" [SMTP:promedia@itnet.com.pl] at MSXGATE
Date:    12/7/98 2:07 AM

Hi to all, and you Phil,

Well, it seemed to me what I bought it WAS a proffessional Radio.
I paid, at least, for such.
I didn't want and don't want anything for free. Some of you are heavenly
praising the fact
you were given anything. Maybe there must be some Alexes first for some
and similar to exist later.

What I certainly found I am talking colours to some who are completely
You should well accept the fact, that what you get for a proffesional money
is a
of an amateurish device. Designed in that manner and  manufactured in that
It's primitivity is shown right from the front panel, through that what's
inside, to the last screw
supposed to keep the speaker in place, instead protruding from upper cover
in direct conflict with the rear panel.
If you cannot see well enough use a magnifying glass. And accept the fact.

The problem simplicity or primitivity doesn't mean a good operational
quality in
this case.
It's simple for you there, to send the rig for repairs, and get it free. And
understand why.
For such a factory as ten-tec is simpler not to charge a customer for the
because he or she might ask some "trivial" questions afterwards. One who's
blind might find out
it was factory to blame for that what'd happened. Some might even get a bit

Since I had enough of that ten-tec's proffesional beating around bushes,
when I
asked them
for help, I've decided to maintain paragon's usefulness myself spending a
lot on
Accept the fact, too.

Ten-tec must first knuckle well over their designing desks to produce
up to present
standards. It's going to take some time, however.
I wonder if  they can at all  having such a "good" support on the rubbish
filling their boxes with now.
Besides, Primitivity must take its origin from somewhere, too. In this case
not so difficult
to point the source.

Anybody who's considering buying ten-tec's must expect and be prepared for
a lot contacts with ten-tec afterward his "pride and joy" will have arrived.
Best you could move closer to a post office.
Some will fruit with something free   (shipping excluded).
Remember Alec then, your sponsor...

Yours, as always,


Phil Cuellar wrote:

> > {snip} Besides.
> >I'm not happy with the results.
> >With some rig really being working properly, I would have
> >doubled the final score,  AT LEAST.
> >See you all..
> >Stay happy, but still, remember,  think twice,
> >before you start reading ten-tec commercials.
> >Learn from the mistakes committed by others.
> >It's a part of a universal wisdom, guys...
> >>Alec/SP2EWQ
Considering his score and his feelings that he should have been able to at
least double it, maybe Alec needs a PROFESSIONAL radio, he is obviously too
"good" an operator to use a radio designed well enough for us lowly
bumbling AMATEURS! I wish him luck in his search for a better radio.

73 de KB8TRK - Phil

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