[TenTec] Re: Keeping a rig turned on continuously
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 17:17:49 -0500
Hey Royboy:
I now know why I don't hear you much in the P.M......you're getting
addicted to this reflector stuff.....be careful.
Your story is well taken, but, let me tell you this one...
Back years ago when I was running CW/M in my black chevy company car,
during the middle of August, when the temperature was about 90+, I stopped
by the downtown Akron office and parked the car out side (hot sun). As I
usually did, I rolled up the windows, reached over to the Triton 4 and
switched the function switch one detent to the right, which "usually" took
it from CW to SSB-N. This was to keep the key from accidentally turning on
the rig.
Well, on this day I did not realize the function switch was already in the
SSB-N position. I parked and quickly flipped the switch to the right and
jumped out.
An hour and fifteen minutes later, I returned, opened the car door, and a
wave of hot heat rolled out on me..... puzzled, I cautiously got in, and
found the heat was coming from the Tentec 540... I thought, "Oh, No," when
I noticed the function switch in "lock" position (key down), and when I
grabbed the knob to turn it back, it was extremely hot. I then found out
that I could not touch the case, or front panel as it would burn my fingers.
I started the car and went on from there, with a real "doom & gloom"
depression, imagining a real big repair job on the final. The rig took 4
hours to cool down to where it felt normal again. (after I had reached
home) I then thought I would turn it on and just see how much destruction
I had caused. To my amazement, it acted normal...full power out....as if
nothing had happened!
I had that rig 20 years and, with the exception of the dial cord, it never
needed any maintenance.
I bow to the southwest.....(toward Sevierville)
CU on 40/30
At 02:09 PM 12/30/98 -0600, you wrote:
> A hint for those keeping the switch on and in CW mode. I relate a
>horror experience a friend had with his new, (a-hem!) FT-1000 several
>years ago. This could apply even to Ten-Tec if you tend to have a black
>cloud over your head as I do. Anyway, Dick kept it running continously
>and went out to mow the lawn. When he returned to the shack, he found the
>rig had keyed itself down full bore at 200 W for an extended period of
>time. This caused a full melt-down of the PA stage. Not nice. So, if you
>practice this custom, do turn down the power control to near zero when you
>leave the rig unattended. K6XK
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