[TenTec] WEB Site Update for TenTec Faithful
J. B. Edmonds
Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:24:03 -0500
I have just finished updating the Unofficial TT site. I would be interested
in comments vs. the old format. I dont have a good feel for how it loads
and works over a dial-up connection since I seldom use one. Yes, rigs
for which I have no picture come accross as broken links or images.
Dont be alarmed or look for more....
I am in need of photos, ads, manuals and other assistance with the site.
If you have a photo, an ad I dont have with specs and a picture or a
manual that you wouldnt mind photocopying, send me a message. I give
credit for your help and I can scan photos and crop, enlarge, etc.
Now for a plug. I would love to find a resonably priced clean Delta II,
especially if you are interested in a trade of a mint Omni D Series C
plus.... or an HW-9 station??
Also looking for a C-22. Yes I know I just missed one but if another
comes by at that price.....
73 and keep TenTec...ing
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