[TenTec] 580 Delta

WO8L@aol.com WO8L@aol.com
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 18:49:16 EST

Dear Subsribers,

I have for sale a Ten Tec 580 Delta for $350 firm.  

Since having it serviced by Ten Tec approximately 18 months ago, I haven't
used it much because I have other Ten Tec rigs which I have accumulated during
my 26 years as a ham.   

This rig is extra and I need some cash to pay for my daughter's wedding.
(Where did the last 25 years go?)

Using the rig last night to make sure it was in good shape, I worked: F6GTO in
France and W9HLX in Illinois on 30 meters and KC5ZQX in Illinois on 20 meters.
I also tuned up a couple of the other bands and they worked well. 

My telephone number in North Carolina is (336)-945-0334.  If the new (336)
area code doesn't want to work, then try (910) as the area code and you should
get through to me.


Rick Cochran

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