[TenTec] Why Stop Here ? MFJ Cleartone replacement

David E. Shelton ku4it@bellsouth.net
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 16:05:45 -0500

This is exactly what the Alpha Delta VRC unit does. One high quality Pioneer
speaker with a amplifier in the circuit and so hard filtering to the audio
coming from the rig. But the question is this worth $230 price tag, I don't
think so. I would consider this to be a great project to emulate/reproduce as
homebrew. What do you think?

Travis Martin wrote:

> Has anyone considered building a good audio filter to accomplish this? It
> would seem to me that an active filter with an amplifier for an external
> speaker, or maybe just a passive filter for headphone use, would solve
> all the problems discussed in this thread. One could then use
> comfortable music quality phones for his CW pursuits as well as for music
> and be happy all of the time.
> I'm not a design wizard; surely someone out there is. I'd guess that the
> parameters would be fairly non-critical...frequency response of about,
> say, 500 cps to 1200 cps with a fairly steep skirt, though the skirt
> slope ought to be secondary to good audio quality and absolute abscence
> of ringing. It HAS to be pleasant and not fatiguing or it defeats the
> purpose.
> If someone wants to volunteer to design it, I'll build a prototype and
> test it...actually, I'm sure several people would try it. Combine it with
> one of those inexpensive hybrid audio amps and mount it in a speaker
> enclosure.
> Maybe TenTec (you listening, Scott?) could offer an optional accessory
> speaker. I'd like to see something on the order of an 8" speaker in a
> nice enclosure with a very low distortion power amp and a switchable
> CW/SSB filter tailored to the desired frequency response, together with a
> headphone jack also filtered. I'd buy such a thing in a heartbeat. Maybe
> a 4" quality speaker in a solid, well damped enclosure styled to match
> the rest of the gear would be the ticket.
> I have a Corsair II and a Collins S-Line in my shack. I have taken to
> using the S-Line almost all of the time lately, including for CW, because
> the audio is so much more pleasant. And I don't have to tell YOU guys
> that the Corsair is, other than that, a hundred times better CW rig.
> I've learned through my other passion, which is record collecting, that
> vinyl records sound a lot better than CD's. Why? Because CD's are
> fatiguing. I can't really put a finger on it; it is, for me at least,
> below consciousness, but I can tell you that I can listen to records,
> even scratched and dirty records, for hours with a smile on my face, but
> have a hard time staying with a CD...I start getting fidgety and wanting
> to go do something else. I think that there is something like this going
> on with me on the S-Line/Corsair II thing.
> This, by the way...the analog versus digital debate...is a hot topic in
> the audiophile magazines. I realize that with the modern TenTec
> transciever's audio output we aren't talking about digital reproduction,
> but I suspect that there is a similar phenomenon. It's kinda like having
> a comfortable chair to sit in. You can tolerate almost anything for a few
> minutes, but try turning a mop bucket upside down and sitting on it while
> you operate...after a few minutes, you'll be thinking of all the other
> things you'd rather be doing, whereas if you have a comfortable chair you
> can sit and work CW for hours on end. The audio needs to be comfortable
> to your ears as well.
> Any volunteer designers out there?
> 73,
> Travis N5AY
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73 dit dit,

David E. Shelton, RN
KU4IT Amateur Op

Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
         of Louisville, KY

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