[TenTec] Lightning crashes

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 22:41:06 -0500

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During the storm, disconnect the antenna. Hold the feedline in one hand and
lay the other hand on the radio. Wait until you no longer hear anything

Jokes aside, slow speed cw can bust through qrn better than any mode. I
mean REAL slow with real long dashes and even long, heavy dots. Xtal
filters don't always help due to their ringing from all the static. Also,
try turning off your AGC and riding the RF gain control. Wear headphones
but place them on your head in such manner that a tight seal to the ears is
avoided. A pair of silicon diodes back to back placed across the phones
will help shunt the loudest crashes and offer some protection to the ear
drums and finally, since this is a TenTec reflector; use their 1.8khz
filter and crank the passband tuning toward the low frequency edge to help
diminish noise.

Steve Ellington
Amateur Radio Operator N4LQ

> OK, I think I have the earphone thing down pat. What I want to know is
> what is a good way to eliminate those darn static crashes that threaten
> blow out my eardrums. Since the OMNI VI+ is so sensitive, I can hear
> thunderstorm in the U.S.
> Let me have your secret.

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<html><head></head><BODY bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF"><p><font size=3D2 =
color=3D"#000000" face=3D"Arial"><br>During the storm, disconnect the =
antenna. Hold the feedline in one hand and lay the other hand on the =
radio. Wait until you no longer hear anything<br><br>Jokes aside, slow =
speed cw can bust through qrn better than any mode. I mean REAL slow =
with real long dashes and even long, heavy dots. Xtal filters don't =
always help due to their ringing from all the static. Also, try turning =
off your AGC and riding the RF gain control. Wear headphones but place =
them on your head in such manner that a tight seal to the ears is =
avoided. A pair of silicon diodes back to back placed across the phones =
will help shunt the loudest crashes and offer some protection to the ear =
drums and finally, since this is a TenTec reflector; use their 1.8khz =
filter and crank the passband tuning toward the low frequency edge to =
help diminish noise.<br><br>Steve Ellington<br>Amateur Radio Operator =
N4LQ<br>n4lq@iglou.com<br><br>&gt; OK, I think I have the earphone thing =
down pat. What I want to know is<br>&gt; what is a good way to eliminate =
those darn static crashes that threaten to <br>&gt; blow out my =
eardrums. Since the OMNI VI+ is so sensitive, I can hear every<br>&gt; =
thunderstorm in the U.S.<br>&gt; Let me have your =

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