[TenTec] wtb: omni c +p/s
Ed Guzis .
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 20:57:15 -0600
This is a forwarded post - please reply directly ot Saul at
<chefsaul@juno.com> - - do not reply to me.
Ed, W9TW
From: saul kaplan c/o milton baron <chefsaul@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: [TenTec] wtb: omni c +p/s
Date: Thursday, January 22, 1998 6:23 PM
want to purchase omni c with warc bands and all filters, power supply w/
speaker, electrec mike
and remote v.f.o. if possible. have limited funds and want this for
handicapped ham who worked very hard to pass the code test. if you have a
rig for sale, lets discuss it. saul wb2hiz
chefsaul@juno.com or 561-683-0842
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