[TenTec] Re: DC blocking caps for crystal filters - question

Clark Savage Turner WA3JPG turner@safety.ics.uci.edu
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 21:12:14 -0700

Hi David:

First, the Corsair I is a fine radio.  I have one here and 
really like it.

Second, the Corsair II does not have any filter stacking 
advantages at all.  The IF filtering is pretty much the same,
one 2.4 KHz IF filter in the first IF, one 2.4 KHz filter in
the 2nd IF and then a choice of narrow SSB and CW filters there
in the 6.3 MHz IF.  The only advantage the Corsair II has is the
audio bandwidth control, and it is nice, but not a real big 
deal for SSB.

I don't know about AMTOR and PACTOR, never used them.  However,
for SSB you are in good shape with the stock Corsair I.  You have
16 poles of good crystal filter in there.  There is not much more
you can do.  I personally do not like the 1.8 filters at all, so
I do not recommend them.  I do, however, strongly recommend the
INRAD 2.1 KHz SSB filters, and they now make one for the Ten Tec
9 MHz IF.  But if you wanted to use one of these, you would need 
to plug it into your first IF and would lose some fidelity, 
but gain some small amount against the noise when you are listening
for a weak signal.

Don't know about the other modes, but the CW filters are the 282 (250 Hz)
and 285 (500 Hz).  INRAD now makes drop in replacements for these
filters also, I just got a pair and they have better specs than the
Ten Tec models, but I have yet to evaluate them in detail.  So far
they seem wonderful.  They cost a little more than the Ten Tec filters,
but if they are as good as my ear tells me, I am happy to pay a 
little more.

I would not worry about mods to the Corsair I.  Really.  Just set it
up and maintain it and it will do fine in rough service.  Ten Tec 
will service it for you if anything does go wrong, but it is not too
hard to deal with by yourself if you are so inclined.


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