[TenTec] OMNI VI+ Contridiction?
Paul Helbert
Sun, 07 Jun 1998 12:12:11 -0400
My new filter #221 arrived yesterday. There seems to be a contradiction
between the jumper settings mentioned on the instruction sheet (Part No.
74089-C) and that explained by part 1.8-2 (Figure 1-5) of the manual
(Part No. 74253).
The manual figure shows the high gain setting to be made by jumpering
the pins closest to the filter. The filter sheet names pin 1 that which
is closest to the filter, and calls for the jumper to go between pins 1
and 2 for the 216, 217, 219 or 221 filter. The schematic in the manual
(Figure 4-7: 9 MHz Filter Board Schematic (81782) is no help as it shows
pin 1 to be the center pin, and no parts placement diagram is included
for this board.
I could solve this by one of four methods:
1) remove the 9 MHz IF board & identify the padding resistors.
2) try one and the other position and listen to the attenuation.
3) take off work and call Ten Tec Service in the morning.
* 4) consult the collected wisdom of this reflector.
* Best option. Hope you folks can help. Which instruction is correct?
Paul, Wv3j
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