[TenTec] Ten-Tec vs. Other Radios
Dale L. Martin
Sun, 7 Jun 1998 22:40:51 -0500
Bravo, Winston!!
There seems to be some snobbishness on this reflector associated
with the ownership of Ten-Tec equipment over offshore equipment.
The same kind of attitude is what caused me to drop off the CW
reflector--too many on there who felt that anyone who used a mode
other than CW was less of a ham and they voiced that position too
often for my taste.
It seems to me that if someone asks me for a comparison of a
couple of radios not associated with this reflector, I wouldn't
bash the equipment and/or denigrate the questioner for asking on
the 'wrong' reflector.
Why cannot we, as Ten-Tec owners, take the high road and simply
direct the person to the right place where he/she can find the
information being sought? Maybe their impression and thoughts
about Ten-Tec equipment might be influenced by their treatment
here on the reflector.
I own four Ten-Tec radios and three offshore radios (2 each
2591's, Omni VI+, Delta II, IC-25A, TR-7845, TR-7950). I also
used to own a Model 544, TS-130S, and a TS-930S. The club
station at work has an FT-1000, IC-781, and TS-950 (and each
radio's associated big amplifier). I have enjoyed operating them
all. I don't think any of the offshore radios deserve some of
the comments I have heard on this reflector. Each one has
plusses and minuses, but all are good radios in their own way and
I also like the idea by one person to ask the questioner to
consider the Scout in the comparison. Nice touch.
Let's show a positive face to those folks who are not so inclined
towards Ten-Tec (whether out of lack of knowledge or experience)
and, with positive and supportive comments, maybe they will
include Ten-Tec radios in their decision-making process.
Dale Martin, KG5U
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