[TenTec] Best Paddle keyer

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:46:09 -0400

Why would you use anything but a real TenTec keyer? I recommend the KR-40
Iambic keyer. It is a keyer with the paddles built in. Permanent magnets
are used instead of springs and the paddle has a nice snappy feel. They run
on 110vac, have a built in sidetone, weight and speed control. Latter
versions of their keyers used electromagnets instead of permanent magnets.
I've tried these and didn't like the feel of them. 

Steve Ellington
Amateur Radio Operator N4LQ

> Hey fellows, what would you say the best paddle keyer to use with my
> would be? Would like to get back in to CW and maybe QRP work. Thanks for
> help.
>                       Jim/KE5VM

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