[TenTec] Best Paddle keyer

Peter Inskeep pinskeep@iglou.com
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 23:36:24 -0400 (EDT)

> Hey fellows, what would you say the best paddle keyer to use with my Omni-D
> would be? Would like to get back in to CW and maybe QRP work. Thanks for your
> help.
I use a Logikey HK-1.  Runs off a battery or external 12 volt supply.  I
used it with my TT Delta 580 and it keyed it without any problems.  I am
now using it with my Omni VI Plus, and it does equally well.  It has much
versitility, including built in memories, sequential contest serial number
options, and nine choices for keying characteristics.  These include Super
Keyer II, Accukeyer and Curtis A timing, all with or without dot and dash
memories.  It is small, simple to use, and has a built in speaker.  It
appears to be rf bulletproof even when I bring my ladderline in to the
tuner right above it on the table.

Pewee Valley, Ky
Most often using Linux

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