[TenTec] 2591 HT FS

edooley@ibm.net edooley@ibm.net
Tue, 10 Mar 98 23:12:54 +0000

Hi Gang,

I have a rare (?) Ten-Tec 2591 HT for sale. This is the 2 meter HT that 
Ten-Tec manufactured in the early to mid 80's as I recall. Typical of 
HT's of that day, it has 10 memory channels, 2.5/0.3 watts output, and is 
solidly built - a "brick" by today's standards. The radio is still in 
good physical condition for its age and station in life, and seems to be 
in excellent working condition. It is common to get unsolicited reports 
of great audio when using this rig. I have the original manual, duck, and 
box, but not the charger cube. I've been charging the battery off an Icom 

This is THE perfect complement to the T-Kit 2 meter transceiver, or would 
just be a nice working addition to a Ten-Tec collection. I'd keep it but 
I am just totally overrun with HT's and 2 meter stuff at present. 

$175.00 shipped/insured CONUS.


Win Dooley WB5KOM

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