[TenTec] Ten Tec Net

RICHARD ANDREN andrenr@ul.com
Mon, 11 May 98 13:57:19 CDT

I have more participants to add to Jay's list, but I forgot to bring my list 
with me to work.  I'll forward that information to Jay tomorrow.

73/DX de Rick N9THC

On Monday, May 11, 1998 at 11:31:00 am CDT,
"Beamer, Jay" <JBeamer@PanAmSat.com> wrote:
>Hello everyone. Just thought I'd throw out the results of the Ten Tec net
>yesterday (Sun., 10 May). Conditions were not very good (at least from my
>location), but did get a list of check-ins. Will/KC5QWE carried most of the
>weight of the net since I couldn't hear squat. Check-ins were:
>KM6VX    Jay     Omni 5
>KC5QWE   Will    Corsair
>K7RON    Ron     Argonaut 509
>N9THC    Rick    Omni 6
>K8EAA    Don     Omni 6+
>K8AI     Kurt    580D
>KB0YXO   John    Delta ?
>N4USG    Robert  Omni 5
>N0DSP    Tom     Omni 5
>K4CWQ    Winston Corsair
>K5ID     Ken     Triton 2
>KE5VM    Jim     Omni D
>N1LQ     Dave    Omni 6+
>F6IIV    Marc    Omni 5  (60 mi. NW of Paris)
>Thanks to all who participated. I'll put out a reminder on Thursday for the
>this Sunday.
>Torrance, Ca.

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