[TenTec] Dayton wishes, banquets, great stuff FS incl. my Corsair II, FT-736, etc.

Scott Rosenfeld [NF3I] Scott Rosenfeld [NF3I]" <ham@w3eax.umd.edu
Tue, 12 May 1998 08:27:24 -0400 (EDT)

If you're going to Dayton, see ya there, and DRIVE/FLY SAFELY!

If you're not...see you next year?

The latest QRP banquet tally is 210.  Yes, 210 PRE-registered people.
Tuesday via e-mail is the last chance for you to pre-register.
Stuff to sell, all of which I can bring to Dayton, all in excellent
condition, all with manuals:

Corsair II with external VFO, standard filters.  Superb CW rig, but I 
got a Paragon which I need for MARS capability.  Radio needs PTO rebuild
(included if I can find it).  VFO LED is off slightly.  Memory keyer, dual
rx thru external VFO, lots more stuff.  Wired for power supply switch to
turn radio on/off. $850 delivered to Dayton.

Yaesu FT-736R w/keyer $1350
S&S Engineering Ark20 w/keyer & variable pwr mod $225
Ten-Tec Analog Century 21 80/40/20/15/10m CW xcvr $175
Heath SB-1400 w/power supply (FT-747GX clone) & FM board $625
Motorola 2m FM amp, about 80w output $75
Yaesu FT-470 2m/440 HT, simultaneous rx on both bands $240
Alinco DJ-582T 2m/440 HT w/extended coverage, AM aircraft $265
Radio Shack Pro-2039 desktop scanner, hardly used, 200 ch. $160
Radio Shack Pro-51 handheld scanner.  New condition, $175
Radio Shack Pro-50 handheld scanner, 20 channels, no 800 MHz. $50
** Scott Rosenfeld NF3I & AAR3IB/T ** http://w3eax.umd.edu/~ham **
** Burtonsville, MD FM19mc * DXCC WAC WAS * QRP-L #147 * AK-QRP **
* Waiting for 6m to open... ** ARRL Life Member/Laurel ARC/UMARA *
** 301-549-1022(h) 301-982-1015(w) *** 35 wpm HF mobile CW Neon **

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