[TenTec] RE: Dual Receive
Wed, 13 May 1998 22:23:39 -0600
Greetings from Canada..
I've been reading the mail for a while and thought it about time I did my
part at adding my Twonnie's (Canadian $2 Coin) worth.
TT rigs here: Omni C - complete station with all accessories!
Argo 509 & TT 50w amp
Power Mite PM3A
Back to the program: Dual Receive
The Ten Tec Omni C operating with the 243 VFO has dual receive in the same
band. I find it a nice feature for listening to both frequencies when
operating split or tuning around finding a clear frequency to QSY to.
So TT had experience with dual receive and that was back around 1980..
It's your guess why they have not continued with the option..
73... K. Crowston - VE5KC
E-mail: ve5kc@qsl.net
Web Sites:
Ham Page - http://www.qsl.net/ve5kc
KCWC - http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/fsr567
Canada Page -
SPELL CHECKED! - blame it on the computer eh!
> Dual receive comes in two flavors. For example, the Yaesu FT-1000MP allows
> dual receive on one band at a time. One can monitor two frequencies on a
> given band and even reproduce the audio through stereo headphones, one
> freqency for each ear.
> The FT-1000D allows independent reception on any combination of bands. It
> more resembles two seperate receivers and of course cost much more $$$$.
> The MP method actually is not much more than a split vfo setup. The
> receiver's antenna input is shared. The second receiver has it's own I.F.
> stage but it has less features than the main receiver. For instance,
> filters cannot be cascaded in the second rx but can in the main rx.
> Now why didn't TenTec do this? Well my theory is that the Omni 6's design
> evolved from the Omni-5 as they are virtually the same. In the Omni-5
> day's, dual receive was virtually unheard of. Incorporating dual receivers
> in this rig would have required a total redesign and they probably didn't
> feel it would pay off.
> Steve Ellington
> Amateur Radio Operator N4LQ
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