[TenTec] Code practice on an Omni VI
Peter A. Klein
Sun, 17 May 1998 14:00:46 -0700 (PDT)
Jim K7JIH writes:
>This is all pretty new to me. I've never used an iambic keyer but there's
>a place for one on my OMNI VI+ so I don't need an auxiliary keyer but how
>do I practice off the air? I've got a little speaker oscillator but that
>would only work with a straight key or the original Vibroplex bug.
Put the rig in CW mode. Press the ST button and you'll hear the side
tone. Now press the CW button again, and the tone goes off. You can now
use the keyer and sidetone without putting a signal on the air. See page
3-4 of your manual, section 3-1.5, "Built in iambic keyer." This mode is
intended for keyer speed and weighting adjustment, but you can use it for
practice, too
Press ENTER or ST again to get out of keyer adjust mode.
Peter - KD7MW
Peter A. Klein (pklein@seattleu.edu) : -----==3== --- ---
Network Administrator, LAN/WAN/Novell : | | | | | | | |
Seattle University, 296-5569 : @| @| @| @| @| @| @| @|
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