[TenTec] TT Product Page

Joseph Koppi jkoppi@pclink.com
Sat, 23 May 1998 07:42:12 -0500

Joe:  My compliments on the great Ten-Tec product site you are building at
http://asd.state.va.us/tentec/  I checked in this morning to get info on a
580 Delta and found an abundance of photos and information.  You're
creating a valuable resource for us all.  Thank you.

Joe Koppi, W0SU
St. Paul, MN

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/tentecfaq.htm
Submissions:              tentec@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-tentec@contesting.com
Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm