[TenTec] PC RADIO - now available

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales@tentec.com
Thu, 28 May 1998 12:13:14 -0400

May 28, 1998 

The new Ten-Tec PC RADIO, model RX-320, a standalone "black box",
serial port controlled HF DSP receiver, will be available from Ten-Tec
approximately July 15th.  We are taking orders now at $295 plus 
shipping.  You can order with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover, and no 
charge will be made to your credit card until the day of shipment.  
We expect to have limited quantity available for the first couple of
months of production.

The $295 price includes the receiver box, fully functional software
and an instruction sheet.  Many of the actual operating instructions
for the receiver are included as part of the software. 

A full description and specification sheet will be posted to our
web site at <http://www.tentec.com> in the next few days.

We'll be happy to answer questions about the new receiver via our
(800) 833-7373 sales line or by electronic mail at <sales@tentec.com>.

Thanks as always,
Scott E. Robbins, W4PA, Amateur Radio Product Manager
Stan Brock, WD0BGS, Ten-Tec Sales Dept. 


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