[TenTec] Ten Tec repair
H. M. 'Puck' Motley, Jr. W4PM
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 00:46:53 -0500
Another question while I'm trying to find "stuff" for my "new" OMNI C!
I think I need to send it in to Ten Tec for some minor rehab. The Noise
Blanker doesn't function, the attenuator doesn't function and a couple
of the mixer band xtals don't work (160 & 29.0). It appears the board
may have a break in a trace because I can push down on the board and it
works - release pressure and it stops oscillating on those two band
positions. Anyhow, I don't relish the idea of taking that band switch
(Ocillator-mixer) board out to work on it. Has anyone sent an old rig
in to the factory lately? What do they charge for labor these days? I
imagine it's gone up significantly since I last sent something to them.
Everything else about the rig works great so I don't mind spending some
bucks to get it back in A-1 shape.
Puck W4PM
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