Fw: [TenTec] Omni V to Hercules Interface

Rick Williams ve7asr@islandnet.com
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 21:24:15 -0800

Thanks to all!  I've constructed an interface cable and the Omni V does
exactly what the Hercules wants and with the new cable follows the Hercules
grouping of frequencies!  So all is well!

Again - thanks to all on the reflector!


>>It is my understanding that the band "grouping" on the Omni VI matches the
>>Hercules II.   My question is, when I switch the Omni V to 17 meters where
>>does the amp go -- 20m position or the 15/17 meter position.  Similarly
>>the next 2 higher frequencies positions.  Is there a solution to this
>>problem (other than buy an Omni VI - hi)?

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