[TenTec] FS: TT238 tuner, Nye MB-5a, QRP rigs, 2m amp, 2m mobiles, scanners, lots more
Scott Rosenfeld [NF3I]
Scott Rosenfeld [NF3I]" <ham@w3eax.umd.edu
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 17:13:20 -0500 (EST)
Before you yell at me for posting TOO often, this is the last I'll be
posting for a while because the movers come to pack up my house next
Monday and Tuesday. My equipment will be shipped to Eugene, Oregon, where
it'll be in storage for ??? knows how long...
That said, I have a bunch of stuff to sell. If you're interested please
get back to me ASAP since my e-mailability will be VERY spotty beginning
in about 18 hours...i.e. noon Friday...try the phone as a more immediate
S&S Engineering ARK20, 20m QRP CW rig. Internal speaker,
0-7 watts variable output w/factory modification,
keyer, audio filter, pushbutton tuning, heavy gauge
aluminum case. Checked over by manufacturer.
With manual, tilt bail/carry handle, exc. $240
Oak Hills 100 40m xcvr, var. BW filter w/manual, mint $100
Oak Hills Classic 20/40m xcvr, keyer, manual, a few scuffs $175
Ten-Tec 1340 40m QRP xcvr, built, manual, mint $95
ZENITH Trans-Oceanic, 1972-esque model. Heavy. Everything
intact, kinda dirty, no idea if it works. Comes with listening
guide, etc. Heavy. $offer
MFJ-564 keyer paddle, chrome base, exc. shape $40
Kenwood SP-430 speaker, matches TS-430 rig, exc. cond w/box $50
RF Concepts VHF 1-60 60w 2m HT FM amplifier w/box & manual $150
RS HTX-212 2m mobile w/box, mic, bracket, manual, mint $175
RS HTX-242 2m mobile w/box, mic, bracket, manual, mint $200
Yaesu FT-470 dual band 144/440 HT, 1200 mAh 7.2v battery,
battery, antenna, wall charger, manual, exc. $230
RS Pro-51 handheld scan, no cell, box & manual, mint $150
RS Pro-2039 mobile scan, no cell, box & manual, mint $150
Ten-Tec model 238 antenna tuner, exc. cond., kW+ $300
Nye Viking MBV-A 3 kW antenna tuner w/switches, meters, open
wire, two coaxes, a few scratches, manual, $850 new $520
Heathkit SA-2040 roller-inductor tuner, manual, no meter, vg $120
B&W VS-300A 300w tapped inductor antenna tuner, vg w/manual $76
Palomar PT-340 Tuner-tuner (audible tuning of ant tuner) $69
MFJ-264 1.5 kW HF-UHF dry dummy load, exc. $48
Nye Viking Low Pass filter, HF with UHF connectors.
Cylindrical in shape, exc. cond. $24
Eico 667 tube & transistor checker $90
Heath TC-2 tube checker $25
Ramsey COM-3 service monitor w/0.5 ppm time base, pager decode,
cover and carrying handle. Signal generator, 0-1000
MHz with deviation and center freq. meter, 1 kHz
injectable tone, more. With manual, exc. cond.,
about $4000 new $2400
Mitsubishi DA-F158 electronic digital stereo tuner, v. good $15
Offers considered. Ridiculous offers may be answered with laughter:)
Scott Rosenfeld ARS NF3I
301-549-1022 (h) 301-982-1015 (w) 541-346-7401 (Oregon)
ham@w3eax.umd.edu http://w3eax.umd.edu/~ham
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