[TenTec] Ten Tec Cure for Clicking Omni 6 a No Go

John & Annette Nicholson John & Annette Nicholson" <dx@netbridge.net
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 09:46:47 -0800

Just for the sake of interest, my OMNI VI was built in 7/96

73 John K7FD

>I have a suspicion that not all Omni VI+'s have this problem.  I'm
>usually annoyed by this kind of thing (and traded my Centaur on a
>Centurion due to noise).  But I don't hear a "click" on the sidetone
>keying on my exactly-one-year-old VI+.  Maybe something changed in the
>production, or maybe there is a lot of bad components?  Maybe I'm going
>deaf?  (huh, what's that you said?!)
> 73,  Duane   AC5AA

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