[TenTec] Omni VI clicks/thumps
mike hutchins
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 19:03:27 +1300
My Omni VI is s/n 05A10575, with PLUS, option 1, upgrade.
Sidetone has always been disappointing, but all the other Omni VI
advantages outweigh this!
My sidetone problem has been 'thumpiness' rather than 'clicks'.
Removing lead #52 reduced the thumping CONSIDERABLY.
SLOW QSK reduces the thump to almost zero, as does reducing power out to
less than 50W into either a real or dummy ant.
Putting the audio thru an external dsp filter removes the thump - this
of course is hiding the problem & not curing it! Various combinations
of I.F filters make no difference.
Like someone before me said, the TS930/940 have GREAT sidetone, it must
be generated in a different way to that of the Omni VI - but I'd need to
project those cramped JA circuits in cinemascope to be able to follow
My old Argonaut 505 has "thumpy" sidetone too!
I've spent much time re-routing wiring inside the Omni VI with no
The Omni VI is STILL my all-time favorite rig and yes, I would buy
another one, if only I had a job & income!!
73 to all. Mike, ZL1MH.
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