[TenTec] Paragon I, Hercules II, Autotuner for sale
Steve Zettel
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 19:36:43 -0700
I have the following equipment for sale:
Paragon I, with all the options: This includes 6, 2.4, 1.8, .5 and .25 filters, and FM
adaptor, voice readout and RS232 board. Case and front
panel are spotless, Two small holes drilled on top of
heatsink where a fan was mounted (not currently
installed). Manual.
$1100.00 + shipping
Hercules II Amp: Great shape, fully functional, puts out full power
from a deep cycle battery, driven from an OMNI-VI.
Cabinet looks good. A few minor scratches on the left
rear side. Faceplate is immaculate. Small piece of tape
on rear panel with a previous owner's name. Manual, two
100 Amp automotive fuses, and 18" DC cable (4 each #12
AWG wires positive and negative with lugs to fit 5/16"
$850 + shipping
Model 253 Autotuner: Legal-limit automatic antenna tuner. Memories for seven
band settings for each of four separate antennas.
Antenna switch position 4 has provision for balanced or
unbalanced feed. Includes manual, interconnect cable to
interface Hecules II, Omni VI and tuner for automatic
bandswitching/tuning from Omni or computer (works great!)
Cosmetically excellent condition.
$750 + shipping
Ten Tec desk mic: Have no idea of model, dark gray with Ten Tec logo and
"Electret" on body. Serial number engraved on back of
body. Small scratches (not normally visible) where body
fits into base. One small scratch on front of base.
Make offer.
Timewave DSP-9+: Works great with Paragon. v3.01 PROM update.
Voice/CW/Data modes with three selectable widths each.
AGC on/off and Bypass controls and variable gain. Manual
and spare v3.01 PROM chip. Perfect cosmetics.
$85 + shipping
Will make a package of the Paragon, Hercules and Autotuner for $2500 + shipping.
And, no, the Omni VI+ is NOT for sale!
Steve Zettel KJ7CH
near Libby, MT USA
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